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Powerful insights based on verified data

Search our comprehensive scam database
across multiple data points like account
numbers, crypto wallets, URLs, etc.

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The best way to check if
you are being targeted by a scammer

Don’t be caught out by scammers, turn the
tables on scammers by doing pre-emptive searches for known scammers before
concluding transactions.

Search across the largest variety of data points

Get access to the most comprehensive source of verified information associated with scams and fraudulent accounts across both crypto and traditional currency accounts.

Some of the available search criteria

Bank Account numbers

Crypto wallets

Social media profiles

Email addresses

Websites URLs

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Don’t be caught unaware, subscribe to our Watchlist
service and get unlimited searches each month to check
whether you are potentially dealing with a scam.


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*We don't use or sell your email for any other purpose than helping you register for CYBERA WATCHLIST™ PERSONAL

Have you been
the victim of a scam?

CYBERA is the best place for you to
report a scam with our world class
support and global reach, you know your case will get the attention it deserves.