The #1 place to Report

a Scam

Stop scams with our industry leading cybercrime reporting platform, victim support, and proactive Watchlist.

We work with law enforcement across both the Traditional Payments and Crypto industries to help freeze scammer accounts and recover victim funds.

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your chances of recovering your funds

Victim support focused on maximum impact

Our technology first approach to cybercrime reporting ensures that your complaints are processed faster and effectively distributed to the relevant law enforcement agencies, financial firms, and exchanges.

Dont become a victim

Use our Watchlist to verify if individuals, platforms or accounts have been associated with fraudulent transactions or scams.

Our high quality data is based on verified complaints that you can trust.

Bank account number (3 hits)

Emails ( 1 hit)

Phone number (6 hits)

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Trending Scams

Business Email Compromise (BEC)

Business email compromise (BEC)—also known as email account compromise (EAC)—is one of the most financially damaging online crimes. It exploits the fact that so many of us rely on email to conduct business—both personal and professional. In a BEC scam, criminals send an email message that appears to come from a known source making a legitimate request.

Investment Scam

Investment or business fraud schemes will try to lure you in with the promise of low- or no-risk investments. Scammers often ask for upfront cash in exchange for guaranteed future returns. There is no such thing as a guaranteed return on investment. It's a scam.

NFT Scam

NFTs have had a surge of publicity in the last year, and like everything else that’s popular, scammers target NFTs. NFT scams seen extend from forms of investment frauds, where the NFTs don’t exist or are rug pulls, to forms of flipping, such as having the prices artificially inflated.

Results driven


Stolen Assets Frozen


Response Success Rate

Partnering for impact

Fighting scams and cybercrime requires a strong, collaborative network.

CYBERA’s scam reporting platform and tools facilitate co-operation and reduce response times.

The CYBERA difference

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